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These courses are offered through our partnering training company, The Regional Training Center. For further information or to sign-up for drone courses please visit their website: 



Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for scene documentation has emerged as an extremely accurate and efficient tool for public safety.  It is remarkable to consider how quickly scenes can be preserved.  Proper use of this technology has truly improved the level of service provided to the public.  In this hands-on course, students will:

  • Select equipment and software needed
  • Apply proper settings and techniques for photography and videography
  • Demonstrate scene mapping in various lighting conditions
  • Demonstrate proper scene lighting
  • Prepare courtroom media
  • Prepare for expert courtroom testimony



Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for scene documentation has emerged as an extremely accurate and efficient tool for public safety.  It is remarkable to consider that scenes can be preserved forever if seen with the naked eye, enhanced magnification, thermal imagery, or with Lidar.  Proper use of this technology has truly improved the level of service provided to the public.  In this hands-on course, students will:

  • Select equipment and software needed
  • Demonstrate proper scene lighting
  • Describe proper settings and techniques for photography and videography
  • Demonstrate scene mapping
  • Demonstrate data integration from UAVs, Total Station, viDoc, and other sources for 3D models
  • Collect ground control points using a GNSS system
  • Learn Pix4D, Terra, Reality Capture, Drone Deploy, Sky-Browse
  • Prepare for expert courtroom testimony



Course Length: 3 days (24 hours total)
Max Class Size: 15 Students
Equipment: All training equipment is provided by the RTC
Recommended Prerequisite: The RTC 48-hour UAS Operators Course, or 32-hour Basic Pilots Course, or equivalent flight training
Student Requirements: FAA 107 License
Technical Level: Intermediate UAS Operators
Recommended For: Criminalists, Accident Investigators, Detectives, UAS Operators
Notes: Start time for Day-2 will be adjusted to allow for nighttime scene lighting and mapping

UAS Crime & Accident Scene Mapping Course

  • Venue Information:

    The Regional Training Center @ Fountain Valley
    17595 Mt Herrmann St., Fountain Valley CA 92708

    The Regional Training Center operates out of a secured facility. Please bring a photo ID with you to your first day of class, as you will be required to undergo a simple background check to comply with I.T.A.R. regulations.

  • TBD

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